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Living Donor Liver Transplant

What Is Living Donor Transplant?

Mostly organ donations for organ transplants come from people who are no more, but it is different with the liver. Our liver can grow back to its original size from a small piece hence creating more opportunities for a transplant. A living donor can willfully volunteer to donate a piece of their liver to someone in need. Within six to eight weeks of the transplant, the liver of the recipient and the donor grow back to its original size.

There are more than 10,000 people added to the transplant wait list every year. Some people only have a few days to recover from acute liver failure brought on by toxic poisoning or viral hepatitis. Some people are nearing the conclusion of a protracted battle with cirrhosis and chronic liver disease. Some people have primary liver cancer, which, if it doesn’t spread first, can be treated by a liver transplant. Time is important for all of these people. If there are more living donors, the ones in need can bypass the waitlist and get a transplant right away.

Anyone in good health, with a healthy liver, can become a donor. You must have a compatible blood type and body size for your liver to be a match with a transplant recipient.

Advantages Of Living Liver Donation

Compared to deceased organ donation, living liver organ donation offers significant benefits to people awaiting liver transplantation. Namely:

  • People with advanced liver disease have a better chance of survival thanks to living donor transplants. Additionally, it increases the number of livers for those waiting for transplants.
  • Living liver donors can take comfort in the fact that they have significantly improved the life of another person.
  • Both living liver donors and transplant recipients are able to choose a time for surgery that is convenient for them both.
  • A quicker transplant is possible thanks to flexible scheduling. This can cut down on the amount of time spent waiting for a liver transplant and lower the chance that the liver condition will worsen.
  • Recipients often experience better long-term outcomes and speedier recovery times because they are receiving a piece of a healthy donor’s liver.

What Are the Risks for Living Donors?

Any kind of surgery has its basic risks. It happens very rarely that a complication occurs during the transplant and there’s a need for corrective surgery.

Some risks of a living-donor liver transplant may include:

  • Bile leakage- This only occurs in a very small percentage of living liver donors and mostly resolves itself. If not, then the doctors can speed up the healing process by inserting a tube in the liver.
  • Infection- Sometimes donors may get an infection at the surgery site. Our transplant team will monitor your status if this occurs to prevent health problems.
  • Organ damage or other problems- It may cause organ damage, further complications, or even death in extremely rare cases.

Who Can Donate Liver For Transplant In India?

You can receive a liver from a living or a deceased donor. In both situations, the price of a liver transplant in India will depend on your particular circumstances.

Living Liver donor: In this case, the donor is a willing living person who undergoes an operation in which either the left or right lobe of the liver is removed. The right lobe is bigger in size, hence better suited for adults whereas the left lobe is recommended for children. The donor can be your family member or a close friend who has a compatible blood type and approximately matches your liver size.

Cadaver or deceased donor: Or Orthotopic liver transplant is the most common type in which the whole liver is extracted from a recently deceased donor. In this case, the donor has mostly pledged his/her organs for donation post-death.

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